Wednesday, 13 January 2010

a quickie

1 Helen had organised everything when I got to work
2 New wellies - don't leak - dry feet
3 Yer man fixed the boiler. What a wonderful husband he is!

The snow is all going. On the plus side I got the car out for the first time in more than a week. But it looks so sad, and there is so much water everywhere. Kids have had indoor play again today and so are crazy with excess energy.

Have just realised that we forgot to take the Christmas decorations down in the dining room. There are still slightly tacky gold garlands running into each corner. It's not like we don't use the room and it's not like they aren't fairly obvious...

1 comment:

  1. Sarah we have had NO snow. I am gutted. I so desperately wanted to make a snowman. When I say no snow there was a tiny bit just enough to go sledging on, but the mud did shine through. Have enjoyed reading about all your adventures and looking forward to seeing you next week. L x
