Sunday, 20 June 2010

such a sad weekend

Oh, oh, oh, so sad. Poor Tinker died on Friday. We found him on Saturday. We think he found some poison somewhere. Saturday was an awful, awful day. The kids were distraught. BT was just wandering around, saying he felt sad, saying he felt like there was a hole in his tummy. Rainbow went off by herself.

We buried him in the garden. I'm going to buy a rose bush to plant over him. Poor little thing. He was such a friendly little cat, everybody liked him, all the neighbours knew him. He used to go down and visit them when we were out. He used to appear like magic when Rainbow arrived home.

I suppose he had a very happy life, but the kids keep saying things like "He never even had a summer" and "He never even had a birthday". So sad.

We washed his food bowl and his water bowl, and put them away. I washed his blanket. I've put his carry basket and his sleeping basket under the stairs. The conservatory looks all wrong without them.

I can't believe how sad I feel about it. I suppose when you look after something you get attached to it very quickly. Even YM, who doesn't like cats, had to wipe away tears. I'm welling up now, just thinking about it.


  1. Oh Sarah I'm so sorry to read this. I have tears welling. Much love to you all and I'm saving a really big hug for you on Thursday. Love Laura x

  2. Just catching up here and very sad to hear about your cat. They do leave an enormous hole in your life. I'm only glad that you found him. The uncertainty when a cat goes missing is horrible too.
